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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—DETROIT, Mi – September 15, 2014 – A hard worker, a mother, a realist; Ms. Rachel Mersier knuckles down everyday to ensure she takes care of business.

I don’t admire a lot of people. I don’t have a role model or mentor to look up to and say “I want to be like them when I grow up”. That being said, I had to choose carefully between the people I respect and love, and since most of them are fictional characters, I’ll have to choose the person I love and respect the most, my mother. A simple, truth speaking, energetic and incredibly humble woman, my mother, Ms. Rachel V. Mersier, is the person I can say is the most inspirational in my life, but not for her achievements or contributions to the world, but for her sincerity, indisputable work ethic and dedication to getting things done. She has led a life of simplicity, sacrificing many of her own goals to take care of my siblings and me.

My mother, Ms. Rachel V. Mersier, is the most responsible human being I know. She comes from a humble background and is as generous as she is sincere. Born to Mr. Jesse James Mersier II and Mrs. Alechia Francis Wilson-Mersier, she is the second of their three children. Her time was short with them though, as they both passed away by the time she reached her teen years.
Mersier prided herself on her stellar grades, an attribute I inherited honestly, and boasts about how wonderful her grades were while she was growing up. Mersier didn’t have many goals in life, as she really wanted to be married with a career as an accountant. She pursued the latter until she met my father, after which she found herself the mother of four children. Though unmarried, Mersier bore the responsibility of ensuring my siblings and I had enough to get by.


We were barely scraping by, but my dear mother did everything she could to make sure we had gifts for our birthdays and Christmas every year! To be honest, looking back, we had pretty good childhoods. There are times of smiles, and tons of love that will never be taken for granted, in spite of what was really going on in our lives. Mersier taught her children responsibility and that life may not turn out the way you want, but you still owe it to yourself to do what you must until you get the results you desire. Mersier is still full of laughs, smiles and warm heartedness to this day. While working on this project, I asked her over the phone, “what did you want to say to about yourself ”, she responded, as honestly as she always does, “If I knew then what I know now, I’d have no kids, at least not until I was married. Even now, I’m still trying to find out what I really want to do with my life now that I have the time.”

Currently Mersier is working at Greektown Casino as a wardrobe attendant and joined the Black Caucus within their union. She says she wants to help make changes for her coworkers, she also wishes to open a homeless shelter to help those who are burdened with misfortune, a dream she considers quite often.

If you want to contact Ms. Rachel Mersier, email her at


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